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Second Home - The browser-game in the world of 16th century!

Klicks: 104, Website hinzugefügt: Jan 5, 2014
Second Home - The browser-game in the world of 16th century!
Second Home - The browser-game in the world of 16th century!
LINK : second-home.ch
Land: Schweiz
Stichwort 1: browser based
Stichwort 2: browser game
Stichwort 3: online game
Stichwort 5: suspense
Stichwort 6: renaissance
Stichwort 7: second home
Second Home is a browser-based online-game, playing at time of early renaissance (1570). Game-fun and suspense are guaranteed. But to be able to play Second Home, you need a browser which can handle frames.