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Qmatic †Customer Experience Management - Customer Flow Management - Queue Management Systems

Klicks: 190, Website hinzugefügt: Feb 7, 2014
Qmatic †Customer Experience Management - Customer Flow Management - Queue Management Systems
Qmatic †Customer Experience Management - Customer Flow Management - Queue Management Systems
LINK : qmatic.ch
Land: Schweiz
Stichwort 1: customer experience
Stichwort 3: customer flow management
Stichwort 5: queue management
Stichwort 6: ticket machine
Stichwort 7: queue system
Stichwort 8: queuing system
Stichwort 9: reception system
Stichwort 10: linear queuing
We are the worldâs number one in connecting demand with service whereby creating remarkable customer experiences - and have as the number one leader been doing it for over 30 years.