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Humana, home of suggestopedia, accelerated learning and brain-friendly learning

Klicks: 166, Website hinzugefügt: Jul 10, 2014
Humana, home of suggestopedia, accelerated learning and brain-friendly learning
Humana, home of suggestopedia, accelerated learning and brain-friendly learning
LINK : humana.ch
Land: Schweiz
Stichwort 1: suggestopedia
Stichwort 2: accelerated learning
Stichwort 3: brain friendly learning
Stichwort 4: suggestopédie
Stichwort 6: suggestopädie
Stichwort 7: super learning
Stichwort 8: mind map
Stichwort 9: gehirngerechtes lernen
Stichwort 10: learning map
accelerated, effective and brain-friendly language and management courses