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Colony Counter System - Homepage - Home

Klicks: 182, Website hinzugefügt: Nov 4, 2014
Colony Counter System - Homepage - Home
Colony Counter System - Homepage - Home
LINK : colony-counter.ch
Land: Schweiz
Stichwort 1: automated colony counter
Stichwort 2: automated colony counting
Stichwort 3: automated colony counters
Stichwort 4: colony counting
Stichwort 5: colony counter
Stichwort 6: colony counters
Stichwort 7: bacterial enumeration
Stichwort 8: zone sizing
Stichwort 9: zone readers
Stichwort 10: zone diameter
First robotic colony counter, separating positive from negative plates! 100 plates in one run and 300 barcoded plates in 1 hour can be processed. The sophisticated software will immediately analyse according user defined thresholds and settings. See t